Apr 16, 2014

GangsProductions Latest Updates and news.

We sent our projects to the contest.
I sent Shock Browser 5.2 And hamood Oo sent Super Shot
may the best win :)

Updates on shock browser

I am planning on implementing awesomium component
It is alot faster and better than the one i am using in my browser, and keep in mind that if you DON,T HAVE internet explorer, Shock browser will not work
and the browser version depends on the internet explorer version
So basicly shockbrowser running on internet explorer engine IS BAD, Although i am not using the basic internet explorer, i am using a better one called axwebbrowser, anyways

I am now working on making double engines for 2 reasons

1-There are websites that only work with old browsers such as internet explorer.

2-Incase something wrong happend in the code , it will be on the awesomium only not on the rest of the browser.So i won,t risk the whole browser because changing the browsing engine is NOT EASY.

Shout out for Colin Verhey The maker of The Web browser project
I am using his API (Tabs system) Make sure to check out his browser
Link: Here

Youtube Browser project

So what is youtube browser project?

In my channel i am making a tutorial series that shows you how to make a browser using awesomium

And guys i have to be honest, Shock browser does not open everything, like youtube analytics or blogger editor, however awesomium does, So it will be nice to have everywebpage open.

If you are interested in knowing how to make awesomium browser
then here are the 2 parts i uploaded

PART 1: Video
PART 2: Vidoe
Visual studio playlist: Playlist

Youtube Browser contains :-

1-Search/navigation textbox

2-Basic multi tabs system
4-Multi search
5-Custom Search
6-Refresh/stop combo button
7-Go to or stay on current tab if newtab was created

p.s: This was wrote using Youtube Browser

Regarding Super Shot

The developer Hamood Oo Made Super shot
as we heard super shot was canceld and yes it is canceld
We will try to make a better, more fun game.

I wil talk to Hamood Oo and try to publish Super shot for you

I played super shot and it is pretty impressive
The point of it was to test out the power of unity engine
And the graphics in the game are pretty good.

Thats all for the updates

Date stamp : 4/17/2014 3:38 AM UAE Time

Apr 13, 2014

Shock Browser 5.2 is here , Massive improvements !

Shock Browser 5.2

Well then it is here

New tab system with ability to change colors
New navigation system
New Favicon support
New Design
New every thing

Download : Click Here

Shout out for Colin Verhey The maker of The Web browser project
I am using his API (Tabs system) Make sure to check out his browser
Link: Here

Extract and run :)
Currently this is the debug release
I might make a setup for it

Main Features:
1-Tabbed Browsing.
4-Color Changer.
5-MultiSearch Engine (9 Engines).
6-Custom Search Engine
7-Changable Settings.
8-HomePage System.
9-Progress Bar.
10-Virtual Router.
11-Fav Icon
12-Tab Customizer

Other features:
1-Enter to navigate.
2-ctrl+enter to add http:// and .com.
3-Java Script.
4-Flash Player.
5-HTML 5.
6-Browser Manual For plugins
7-History Side Bar
8-Smart Navigation
9-Navigation box works as Search Box
10-Bunch More Features!!!


1-No Open in new tab :/
2-links that opens in newtab is going to open the homepage in a new tab

without opening the clicked on link

Change log:-


Visuals :-
1-Removed search bar
2-Removed search button
3-Removed navigation button
4-Removed new tab button
5-Removed remove tab button
6-Removed Progress bar
7-Removed Stop button
8-Removed refresh button
9-Merged Refresh and stop button in one button
10-Added button information when mouse hovers on button
11-New refresh icon
12-New tab system 
13-Animated loading icon on each tab bar
14-Fav icon (Website icon) on each tab bar
15-Ability to move tab bar location
Coding :-
1-Improved Most codes in the browser
2-Improved Reset to default code
3-Improved Navigation code to support all website domains
4-Improved Searching code for ability to set the search engine in the url/search bar
5-Improved History code
6-Improved bookmarks code
7-Improved Color code
8-Improved tab code
9-Improved Combo button Code
10-Improved Web Browing Code
11-Added codes to prevent any browser crash
12-Improved clear data code to clear History,History Sidebar,Bookmarks And Virtual router info
13-Added favicon Settings code in Settings menu
14-Added better Custom Search code
15-Custom Search goes to google incase there was no url in the textbox
16-Various more improvments
Plugin Updates :-
1-Changed background changer to Colorization
2-Updated Color changing codes
3-Added new feature for custom color 
4-Added better color loading code
5-Added Tab system colorization
6-Ability to change every single color mode in the tab system
7-Added Default button for tab system and tab color
 Total of 38 Updates in this version :)

Future Updates :- 
1-I will try to change browsing engine to Awesomium engine
2-I will try to make 2 browsing engines in this browser (Probably will not do)

3-I will try to fix all listed bugs

PC Requirements:-
OS: Windows XP SP2 And up
Ram: 512MB Ram And up
CPU: 1.5GHZ And up
Screen Resulotion: 1024,768 And up
Framework: Dotnetframework 4.5

VERSION: 5.2 Latest release

Future updates Will fix the listed Bugs

Made By : Ananjaser1211


Updates updates and updates

So guys...
Shock browser 5.2 is coming at Saturday
Night  or at Sunday
New tab system
New search system
New navigation system
Favicon or website icon system
Major visual improvement
And Alot more to come
What made me continue shock browser 5???
Well guys I was preparing my self for my contest and I was reviewing the code
And I saw that there are alot of parts that
Can be improved
So I started coding! !
Stay tuned for shock browser 5.2
Coming soon...